Sunday, November 10, 2013

It's never been about the candy in Haiti....

        In the States people celebrate Halloween. It's what most people do, they dress up and get free candy. It's a fun holiday for most kids. In Haiti, the day after Halloween is a big holiday here. It's a voodoo holiday. Most Christians here take the day off to spend time in prayer for everything that happens on this day. We had no school at CLS, and it seemed like a normal day, until it became dark. Then these group called "Ra-ras" started walking around the neighborhood, it was like a parade of people with saying loud things and making a lot of noise. They used drums and shouted.
   Although I couldn't understand, I felt like it was not a good thing. The kids got silent and listened as they went by the street. I was so thankful at that moment that these kids were protected from anything that goes on outside of these walls. They are able to go to a Christian school, that teaches Jesus in a culture where voodoo is practiced.
   When I was young, things like voodoo seemed like they might have happened a long time ago, but its not true. Voodoo happens here everyday, and the Lord chooses people to go into the dark areas and be the light of Christ. I was out walking the very next day with a Haitian friend. We walked by this pile of what looked like trash to me, and he said "watch out, the people who practice voodoo put that there. They say if you touch it, you die". We walked a little further and he asked if I saw a black gate farther down the street, he said that's a voodoo temple.
     Pray for Haiti. I PRAY that all of those people would come to know Jesus as their Savior. There is so much hope for the people of Haiti, and it all begins with Jesus! Only thru the Lord can the people of Haiti change.
    The Haitians say December is big month for voodoo in Haiti. They say bad things happen and people get taken. Please pray for next month. Please pray that anything that the enemy might try to do would fall thru, and that December would be a safe month for all of the people in Haiti. Please pray that we would see every opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ to these people. Pray for Haiti, pray for the people of Haiti.

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